Устройства с поддержкой Интернета вещей Автоматически Снижают энергопотребление
As far as optimization goes, the platform, embedded with intelligence, can figure out the most energy efficient configurations automatically. This means the controls will optimize parameters such as fan and pump management thresholds, water temperature set point, scheduling, etc. and quantify the benefits of various configurations in terms of energy usage.
Besides that, connected HVAC platforms can give the users direct access to the power consumption and carbon dioxide emissions stats; they’ll provide deep insight into what kind of a carbon footprint buildings leave behind.
Here’s a potential scenario of a modern HVAC system contributing to energy usage minimization.
Suppose a client’s connected platform is set to turn on air conditioning at 5 pm – the homeowner usually comes back at 7 pm, and it takes about two hours to achieve the most comfortable temperature conditions. However, one day an urgent meeting occurs, and the tenant can’t make it home till 9 pm. If the data from Google Calendar and Google Maps is incorporated into the HVAC infrastructure, the system will recognize the scheduled meeting, take into account expected traffic conditions, and postpone the devices’ activation till, say, 7.30 in the evening. For people with flexible work schedules, the connected platforms can save them lots of money.
Seeing large organizations throw their hats into the IoT ring has inspired multiple smaller HVAC manufacturers to follow suit. They, too, aim to employ the latest tech to reinvent their business models and go from simply selling and deploying HVAC devices (and fixing the broken appliances) to offering predictive maintenance and other high-level HVAC services around them.
If you happen to be one of the suppliers seeking to harness the power of IoT, you might, following the giants’ lead, start equipping your appliances with more sensors, gathering all the operational data and leveraging the cloud, from a trustworthy provider, to implement analytics functionality. Including connectivity into equipment will help increase its life-span, stay connected with clients and increase their satisfaction by continuously improving the products.